
What you allow you are responsible for

In this episode of the Men’s Mysteries I discuss the importance of taking responsibility around what you allow in your life in terms of people and behavior. You aren’t responsible for what other people do, but you are responsible for what you allow in your life. I share why its important to learn how to say no to other people and establish good boundaries.

Mature Masculinity Podcast: Learn how to say yes to yourself

One of the challenges that “nice guys” have is around saying yes to themselves and being in a place of integrity and honesty about what they are saying yes to.

In this episode I share my own challenges around saying yes to myself, and talk about the cost of codependent people pleasing behaviors, both to myself and the relationships I’ve been in. When we aren’t honest with ourselves about our needs and wants and longings, we can’t be honest with anyone else and the result are broken relationships because we haven’t learned how to say yes to ourselves.