anger management

Mature Masculinity Podcast: How I'm changing my relationship with anger

What is your relationship with anger?

Men grow up learning that anger is often the only emotion they can express. But in my case, I learned that I wasn’t allowed to express anger toward other people. In this episode, I share how I’m transforming my relationship with anger by learning how to be more assertive. I also discuss why holding your anger in just makes you angrier and unhappier, while expressing your anger in the moment releases the anger you’ve been holding onto.

How to be present with your Anger

Anger is an emotion that has been labeled as a negative emotion that is to be avoided or repressed. But pushing down anger doesn’t help you avoid it. If anything it causes you to compartmentalize anger and then you don’t know how to be present with it or express it healthy. I get frank about handling anger and discuss my own challenges around my anger and what I am continuing to learn as a result.

How to be present with someone else's anger

The emotion of anger can be frightening to experience, especially when someone else is angry at you! How do you handle someone else’s anger? What don’t you want to do? I share some of my own experiences around another person’s anger and how to identify healthy anger versus abusive anger.