The Sexual Code: Sacred Sexual Mastery for Men
There’s a stereotype about men that they’re always horny and ready for sex.
The reality is that many men don’t enjoy sex, and it’s not even because their partner doesn’t want to give them any.
Men don’t have a healthy relationship with their sexuality.
Men have been taught to numb themselves with porn, with compulsive sexual activity, and with frequent ejaculations that don’t bring men the enjoyment they actually want to experience. And as a result the following has happened:
Men have focused so much on trying to get their partners to orgasm that they’ve lost touch with what brings them pleasure.
Men have lost touch with the creative potential within themselves because they are ejaculating away their power.
Men are settling for less pleasure, less happiness, less joy, because they long for deeply connective sex and aren’t getting it.
The problem isn’t your partner. The problem isn’t even you. The problem is that what you’ve been taught about sex is wrong and in the process you’ve given away your masculine power and sexual presence in an attempt to get laid, which leads to bad sex and unhappy partnership.
But what if it didn’t have to be that way?
What if you could have rich, rewarding relationship with your sexuality that allowed you to not only give your partner the mind blowing sex she craves, but allows you to discover the full depths and heights of your sexual power?
What if you could experience an unprecedented level of pleasure and satisfaction through the exploration of your sensual and sexual bliss?
What if you could explore the sex magic mysteries and apply them to transform your entire life?
The answer is you can and I can help you on this journey.
First, I need to be clear about something.
This class isn’t a pickup artist class. I’m not going to teach you the right lines to say, or how to pick someone up and take them back to your place for a one night stand.
This class is about creating a healthy and sacred relationship with your sexuality. Men have lost touch with the sacredness of their sexuality in modern society, to the detriment of everyone.
In the Sexual Code, we redefine what your relationship with your sexuality is, so that you can fully claim your sexual identity on your terms, and in the fullness of your sovereignty.
If you want to experience more pleasure during sex, then this course is for you.
If you want to learn how to be more present with your partner, and experience deeper intimate connections, this course is for you.
If you want to learn how cultivate your sexual health and creativity, then this course is for you.
The sexual code is designed to show you how to access your deepest sexual expression and wisdom by letting go of what society tells you about being sexual, and discovering what it means to be a sexual being on your own terms.
You will learn the following when you go through the sexual code experience:
How to speak to your deepest sexual desires and express them to the people in your life.
What the sexual mysteries are and how to embody them in your life.
How to use Taoist Semen retention practices to enhance your sexual presence and creativity.
How to let go of sexual shame.
You can become the sexual sovereign of your life when you get curious about your sexual expression and give voice to it. In this experience, you’ll get the opportunity to fully relax into and embrace your sexual expression. You will get the following in the money code:
a 28 day experience with daily prompts and support from me as your facilitator.
A Telegram group which will be our container, with confidentiality insured. You can join this program from anywhere.
The opportunity to explore your relationship with your sexuality.
Resources and practices designed to help you make practical changes to your relationship with sex, and reclaim being sexual on your terms..
Two group coaching calls where we explore your relationship with your sexuality.
If you’re ready to experience a deeper level of sexual satisfaction and intimacy then sign up for the 28 day sexual code experience, starting on March 1st.