Welcome to the Mature Masculine Brotherhood

Become the Man you’ve always wanted to be

My name is Taylor Ellwood and I help men transform their lives for the better. Whether you’re a man going through a breakup or divorce, struggling with an addiction to porn, video games or substances, or you feel like you lack purpose and mission in your life, the Mature Masculine Brotherhood is here for you.

Men are in pain, and they don’t know how to express that pain or work through it. They want to be better men, but they’ve been taught to white knuckle their way through and go it alone. But that solution doesn’t work. It just leaves men more isolated and alone than ever.

But it doesn’t have to be that way…

The Mature Masculine Brotherhood is a men’s group that helps men like you transform their lives. It’s a brotherhood of like-minded men who are supporting each other through the challenges of life and cheering each other in the moments of triumph. We focus on how to embody mature masculinity in our lives, including how to become a better leader for yourself, how to show up for your partner, and much more with topics that are relevant to the challenges and experiences that men are having in the world.

Joining the Mature Masculine Brotherhood provides you the resources, network and accountability you need to change your relationships, career, finances and much, much more.

When you join the Mature Masculine Brotherhood you get the following:

  • 2 Monthly Live Zoom Sessions with Taylor, one of which is an open coaching group call, and one of which focuses on a specific topic to help you connect with the mature masculine qualities within you, and use them to help you transform your life.

  • A weekly morning Meditation call where we’ll meditate together and start the week clear, focused, and present.

  • Monthly challenges to help you grow, achieve, and become the man you’ve always wanted to be.

Men’s work isn’t meant to be done alone.

When you join the Mature Masculine Brotherhood you get the chance to connect with other men who are on their own journey to embody the mature masculine in their lives. When we come together to share our journeys we strengthen each other by being real and authentic about the challenges we face. Sign up below and begin the journey to transform your life.