What’s your relationship with money?

If you’re like most people, there are likely aspects of your relationship with money that you would like to change, but the question that naturally arises is where to start.

Whether you feel like you’re always chasing after money, or your afraid of how to handle the money you have, or you worry that you’ll be used for your money, all of these issues are real and all of them can have profound impacts on your life:

  • Spending money impulsively

  • Operating from a place of scarcity

  • Struggling to feel safe or having enough.

In Mature Money Consciousness, I’ll be exploring your relationship around money with you so that you can take on a new relationship with money that strengthens your overall sense of well-being and awareness. You will learn the following:

  • How to change your money mindset and become more confident with money.

  • How to identify your financial shadows and the way they show up in your life.

  • How to allow money to move in your life and work.

  • How to develop a healthier relationship with your money and yourself.

Take the first step to changing your relationship with your money and the rest of your life. Sign up up below for Mature Money Consciousness.