Bonus: The Pathworking of the Archetypes

The Pathworking of tHe Fool

Watch the video and then journal about your experience. Please answer the questions in the journal.

Journaling Questions

Question 1: What imagery came up in your pathworking today? What stories or lessons did the fool show or share with you?


Question 2: The Fool’s power is awareness, specifically making you aware of the ways your shadows show up in your life. What awareness do you have after the working as a result of what the fool has shared with you.


Question 3: Spend the rest of the day paying close attention to your behaviors and actions. What does your awareness of these behaviors and actions reveal to you?

The Pathworking of the Warrior

Question 1: What imagery came up in your pathworking today? What stories or lessons did the warrior show or share with you?


Question 2: The warrior’s power is action, specifically showing you how to take action around the areas of your life you want to changes. What’s an action you can take that will apply the warrior’s wisdom to your life?

The Magician’s Pathworking

Question 1: What imagery came up in your pathworking today? What stories or lessons did the magician show or share with you?

Question 2: The magician’s power is creativity and imagination, specifically showing you how you can come up with ideas for whatever challenges you face in your life. How might you apply this creativity to the actions you are starting to take to transform your life?

The Lover’s Pathworking

Question 1: What imagery came up in your pathworking today? What stories or lessons did the lover show or share with you?


Question 2: The Lover’s power is self love and choosing yourself, specifically showing you how to love yourself and choose your desires and wants and act on them, instead of choosing other people’s desires over your own. What action can you take to apply self love to your life?

The King’s Pathworking

Question 1: What imagery came up in your pathworking today? What stories or lessons did the King show or share with you?


Question 2: The King’s power is purpose, specifically find the purpose and mission that helps you live a meaningful life. What is your purpose and mission and what’s one action you take to advance on that mission and purpose?