
I have been following Taylor for years and have participated in many of his classes, groups, etc. In late August of 2019 I was privileged to receive a tarot reading with Taylor over the phone as I was in Minnesota and he was in Oregon. I have been a tarot reader for over 30 years, I do readings for myself and have done thousands for others, I have never had a more insightful and accurate reading than the one Taylor did for me. The things Taylor said were extremely accurate at that time and continue to be occurring as per his reading. I followed many of the changes that reading was recommending. My life has changed dramatically and for the better! I am happier, healthier, more grounded, serene and in such a great place in my life. I have let go of so much baggage, toxic people things, and have even moved halfway across the country. I currently live in a state of awe and gratitude both to the Divine and to Taylor. His reading absolutely and without a doubt changed and improved my life for the better! In hope, joy, love, serenity and Interconnectedness - Gayle Wyant

“Working with Taylor has been a breakthrough, in laser focusing and amping my manifesting.  He listened intently to what I wanted to manifest and instructed me to write down in detail what  I intended. It took me a few days to write it all down, and then edit it. When I finished I felt, that I was totally in alignment with what I wanted to create, and now within a few weeks, it is becoming part of my everyday reality. I know that Taylor’s guidance and sincere presence was a catalyst in making the magick happen.” - Hisa Izumi Alsten, Talisman Arts Tarot

About ten years ago I had a phone consultation with Taylor. At the time he told me there were two paths in my life: one physical and one spiritual. The physical path at that time was just about perfected with good health and a good finanacial foundation after many years of hard work. Once I retired, he explained, I would once again tread down the spiritual path, which I had put on the back burner years ago due to time limitations. However, the spiritual path would include some problems, he said, once I began my journey. One of those problems was some sort of problem with my heart, due to the energy movements as my chakras began to open up.

Five years after that reading, five years ago today, I retired from my job. I once again took up the spiritual path I had once loved. I got back into my studies of astrology, the kabalah, meditation and some magik. AfterI began doing the Middle Pillar meditation, I noticed that my heart would sometimes beat quite quickly. This progressed to the point where I began to experience bouts of tachycardia. Eventually it became so severe that I went to the emergency room and was forced to have a mildly intrusive heart operation called heart ablation surgery. That was 3 years ago.

After the operation I remembered the reading I had with Taylor that predicted this event. I tried desperately, but in vain, to find him again for another reading after that operation, but I was unable to remember his name. Just 2 weeks ago I stumbled upon his name again while purchasing a kindle book online by a writer who recommended Taylor's books.

So, I called him and made another appointment. The reading happened last week. He skillfully honed in on my current problem - an injury to my right shoulder. He described the injury in detail but more importantly spent most of the reading discussing the most important thing. That is, accept the aging process and honor the body and don't try to force things at the gym until enough time had passed for the shoulder to heal. Then to accept that my body has aged and can no longer do the things it once did. In other words, page homage to Saturn, Father Time, and accept the limitations that we are all subjected to as humans.

However, continue to meditate and use some magik to help with the healing process. If you are looking for a life coach to cheer you on and advise you to stare into the mirror each morning and recite a mantra telling yourself fifty times that you are wonderful and beautiful and happy and rich and strong, Taylor is not for you. But, if you want an incredibly accurate reading along with some intuitive, solid advice on what is at the root of your current problem and how to move into the future from there with the insight, understanding and skills needed to gain success and self-esteem, this guy is for you. And, his books are wonderful as well. -William R.