The Sacred Masculine Quest 6 Week Challenge...

Step into Sacred Masculine Presence…

We live in a world where many men feel emasculated, powerless and frustrated, a world where men get along to go along, in the hopes that they’ll get what they want, and yet most men aren’t getting the quality relationships with their partners, the friendships and brotherhood with other man, or feeling any sense of purpose and mission with how they are spending their time in life.

If you are living a life where you want people to like and accept you and you are people pleasing and bending over backwards to gain their acceptance, you are living a Nice Guy Life

You are living an inauthentic life where you are giving away your masculine power and strength to other people, and losing your identity in the process, because you're putting on a mask to fit in. 

And what is it getting you?

  • An unfulfilling career where you are micromanaged in every way.

  • A deep sense of loneliness, disconnection and distrust for your fellow men.

  • An unsatisfactory relationship where your partner disrespects you and is on the verge of leaving you or already has for someone else.

  • A lack of purpose and meaning in your life that leaves you questioning what the point is.

  • And worst of all: You don't trust or respect yourself as a man because your actions don't align with your words.

Your life doesn't have to be this way...

What you are lacking in your life won't be found in the arms of a woman or the bottom of a bottle or in porn or any of the other activities you’ve pursued to try and fill up the emptiness within you.

It can only be found by going on a quest that takes you through the fundamental rites of passage that transforms you from the sycophantic nice guy into the divine king you need to become if you're going to step into your masculine power. 

Men have become emasculated, apologizing for being men and making themselves small in the process. They have given away their sense of self-respect to other people in order to fit in and lost themselves in the process.

The remedy is to go on a quest of discovery...

Men needs quests because quests give men purpose, focus, and most importantly the rites of passage that help them discover their masculine core. 

Your masculine core is the well of the sacred masculine strength that all men have within them, but most men don't know how to access. A man who knows how to access is sacred masculine is a man who is:

  • Confident, assertive and empowered to go after what he wants in life.

  • Chooses to love and believe in himself.

  • Prioritizes his needs and desires and makes them a reality.

  • Effortlessly attracts the relationships, sex and adventures he's always wanted.

  • Follows through on his mission and makes his purpose the most important part of his life.

  • Empowers himself on every level to become the king he truly is.

But how do you become that man, especially when it seems easier to just be the nice guy, and go along to get along?

It’s ultimately not easier being the nice guy. It costs you relationships, happiness, and the deep sense of fulfillment you’ve been craving.

How do you find that fulfillment? How do you establish a relationship with your inner masculinity that leads you to the sense of purpose and mission that defines your life and attracts the right people to you?

You go on the sacred masculine quest. In this six week challenge, I will show you how to transform everything you know about yourself so that you can become the fully empowered man you deserve to be. 

In Week 1's Quest: Discover the Truth within you - You have power within you but it's been given away to your job, your relationship with your partner, and whoever else you've given it away to. This week's quest is the journey of truth, where you come to recognize how you've given away your masculine power, who you've given it to, and most importantly why you've given it away. Until you know that, you can't reclaim your power.

In Week 2's Quest: Discover your Purpose - A man without purpose is a man without a mission. A man without a mission is a man who is lost. When we give away our masculine power we give away the fundamental driving force that propels us to a purpose and mission. This week's quest is the journey of purpose, where you dig deep into yourself to discover your purpose and use it to help you shape the direction of your life and come back to clarity with what really inspires your life.

In Week 3's Quest: Discover your Desire -  A man who continually places the desires of other people over his own desires is a man giving away the quintessential source of his power. When we put our own desires on hold we block ourselves from accessing our potent masculine power because we're giving it away to someone else and that usually person usually doesn't even appreciate what they are getting. This week's quest is journey of self-love, where you learn how to prioritize your own needs and wants and take action on them in a real and meaningful way.

In Week 4's Quest: Discover your Magick - A man's power isn't just physical strength or intellectual acuity. We also can draw upon a spiritual wellspring within us that provides us ways to manifest our desired realities when directed properly. This week's quest is journey of magick, where you will discover how to apply your spiritual power and awareness toward helping you achieve the life you want to live through accessing your sacred masculine core.

In Week 5's Quest: Discover your Sacred Sexuality - A man in touch with his sexuality is a man who is connected with his sacred masculine energy, but most men aren't in touch with their sexuality. Most men are too focused on trying to please someone else or trying to perform and as a result they are so out of touch with their inner sexuality that they don't know what they want or how to express it. This week's quest is journey of sex magick, where you will discover your authentic desires and also learn how to harness the spiritual power of sex to help you manifest the life you desire.

In Week 6's Quest: Discover your Grounded Awareness - When a man is connected with his sacred masculine core, he is also connected to grounded awareness. He is no longer easily swayed by emotions, either his own or other people's, but instead can simply acknowledge them and still be fully present, grounded and aware with the situation he is in. This week's quest is journey of awareness, where you will discover how to fully step into presence with yourself and other people and take control of whatever situation you are in, because you have the confidence and assurance to do whatever needs to be done.

You will come out the other side of these six weeks a changed man, who knows himself and knows how to advocate for himself while also being aware of the other people in his life. You will be stripped of the nice guy behaviors and habits and become a straightforward, confident and powerful man who has a sense of purpose and clarity around what you want your life to look like.

I've also got some special bonuses for you that will help you take your quest for the sacred masculine to even deeper and more profound levels of awareness and power.:

Bonus 1: The 5 Archetypes Pathworking - Go on a pathworking journey where you'll connect with the 5 sacred archetypes of The Fool, The Warrior, The Magician, The Lover and The King, and learn how to the sacred knowledge to your masculine journey.

Bonus 2: Meditation Mastery - Learn how to master your mind and emotions through meditation. I'll walk you through a variety of breathing meditations and somatic techniques that are designed to help you activate your sacred masculine awareness and lead you to highly evolved states of awareness that will help you stand out both at home and work and make you a leader among men.

Bonus 3: Ultimate Sigil Magic - Learn a simple but powerful technique for magic that can help you apply your spiritual masculine energy toward manifesting the life of your dreams. In this class I'll walk you through how to use sigils, which are compressed symbols of desire. I'll share advanced techniques with you that are easy to learn and will help you apply magic to your life and work in order to transform the possibilities you desires into realities you are living.

Bonus 4: How to become the leader of your own life - If you want to take charge of your own life you need to draw on the masculine core within you to become your own leader. In this bonus I walk you through the principles of choosing yourself and how to become the leader in your own life. When you apply these principles to your life you'll take charge everywhere and it will transform the quality of your life.

The challenge could easily be $1000.00 but I am offering it to to you at a price that is accessible and will help you transform your life by helping you take on the inner masculine within you. When you sign up for this challenge you'll get the following:

  • 6 week Sacred Masculine Quest ($1000.00)

  • The 5 Archetypes Pathworking ($97.00)

  • Meditation Mastery ($110.00)

  • Ultimate Sigil Magic ($100.00)

  • How to Become the Leader of Your Own Life ($97.00)

All of this could cost $1404, but you get it for $197.00 when you go through the self lead course and $297 when you sign up for the live course, where I’ll be doing live coaching with you for each week while you’re in the challenge!

This is your opportunity to change the direction of your life by stepping up and diving deep into the sacred masculine. 

Are you ready to change from the nice guy into a man in touch with his sacred masculine identity and power?

Are you ready to live a life of purpose and meaning?

Are you ready to become the man you truly know yourself to be?

Then go on the quest and transform your life.